
Category: Blog

Harnessing the Zambezi: The Zengamina Mini Hydro Power Plant

Muntanga Munkowbwe and Nandi Mbazima write in our latest blog on the Zengamina mini-hydro project in Zambia and the impacts of energy access. Located in Ikelenge District, of North-Western Zambia, lies a beacon of hope and development: the Zengamina Mini Hydro Power Plant. This project embodies the fusion of local vision, international collaboration, and cutting-edge […]

Seminar on Fostering Energy Security through Enhanced Collaboration and Accountability in Lesotho, 23 April 2024, Lancers Inn, Maseru

The ENR-Demos team from the National University of Lesotho, organised the 23 April 2024 in Maseru, a seminar to address the issue of energy security in Lesotho. Energy security requires citizens to enjoy the uninterrupted availability of energy sources at an affordable price[1]. It is not limited to ensuring citizens can afford energy without being […]

A Workshop on Mini-grids and Public Participation in Energy Decisions in Lusaka, Zambia, 9-10 April 2024

The ‘Energy Democracy and the Politics of Energy Transition in African Countries’ (ENR-DEMOS) project team hosted an in-person workshop in Lusaka, Zambia, on 9-10 April 2024. The workshop had three main aims: to examine the degree of concrete implementation on energy democracy in the context of African countries; to explore the prospects of engendering community […]

Mini-grid solutions in Chitandika, Zambia

Mini-grid Solutions in Chitandika, Zambia Energy poverty, lack of access to clean and affordable energy is a pressing global issue. Mini- grids have emerged as a promising solution to addressing energy access challenges in the remote and underserved communities around the world. Situated in the East of Zambia, Chitandika, a small rural village located about […]

semonkong hydropower plant building in lesotho

Semonkong Mini-Hydro Power in Lesotho

Semonkong Mini-Hydro Power in Lesotho Semonkong is located in the highlands surrounding the capital of Lesotho, Maseru. The community comprises of just over 8,000 people, and Semonkong itself is one of the coldest places in Lesotho with frequent heavy snowfall, and hence electricity access is a priority for the community to replace traditional, unsustainable sources […]

solar panels at ha-makebe mini-grid in lesotho

Ha-Makebe Community Solar Mini-Grid in Lesotho

Ha-Makebe Community Solar Mini-Grid in Lesotho The Ha-Makebe community solar mini-grid was initially installed in October 2018 by OnePower Lesotho, with financing support from the Renewable Energy Performance Platform (REPP). The project is located on the outskirts of the Berea district, north-east of the capital, Maseru. Ha-Makebe is the first privately-owned Independent Power Producer (IPP) […]

Solar panels at the Motete solar mini-grid in Lesotho

Motete Solar Mini-Grid Project in Lesotho

Motete Solar Mini-Grid Project in Lesotho The Motete mini-grid project is in the district of Butha-Butha, in the remote Northern region of Lesotho. The project is being implemented through the Smart Villages Research Group, MOSCET (a local off-grid energy company), the National University of Lesotho and Gram Oorja, the Indian technical lead for the project. […]

Solar panels at the Yebu community mini-grid in Nigeria

Yebu Solar Community Mini-Grid in Nigeria

Yebu Solar Community Mini-Grid in Nigeria How democratic are the decision-making processes in decentralized electricity markets? Our Nigerian project team decided to investigate these processes in Yebu, a community in the Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria, close to Abuja. Yebu is a community of roughly 80,000 inhabitants, with a predominantly primary industry focused economy, with […]